STRAY by Fatcat – Delicious Food with a Creative Twist

STRAY by Fatcat – Delicious Food with a Creative Twist

Popping Spheres

Bold. That’s how we’d classify STRAY by Fatcat after a delicious makan-session. A purveyor of creativity, exotic and unique tastes when it comes to food, we knew we had to head down to STRAY by Fatcat to have a taste of their daring cuisine. From Alcoholic Butterbeer to their Instagram-Worthy Popping Spheres, Fatcat provided a dance of flavours on our palette that few restaurants could match at an amazing price point.


The meal started off with their famous Wagyu Black Pepper Bowl. A dish that is a traditional crowd-pleaser, Fatcat put a creative spin on it by adding Pink Ginger Foam. The combination of perfectly seared beef and onsen egg is hard to go wrong and Fatcat had it down pat. The ginger foam provided a refreshing change of taste; light, fluffy and pleasantly slightly sour. Opinions are split on this – half were enchanted by this gutsy combination, and the other half didn’t enjoy it mixed, but alone.

Butterbeer, $12

As self-proclaimed hardcore fans of Harry Potter, and as people who have tried various butterbeer options in Universal Studios and Singapore, we knew we had to order this. $12 gave us half a pint. The cream on top was slightly too foamy, but smelled amazing. Bits of grated butter could be tasted with every sip, and that was fantastic. However, the sweet aroma of the cream with the bitterness of the beer was not a combination we enjoyed, but I feel it would still be a pleasant delight for many.


To cleanse our palate after a delectable meal, we decided to go HAM on the desserts. Next on the menu was Keep Popping Spheres ($12), in which we went with all 3. The waitress kindly advised on starting on the lightest to the darkest in level of intensity.

All 3 spheres were a delight to pop in your mouth – we can really tell that STRAY’s chefs put in the effort to ensure that mouth-feel/texture is up to standard. The Lychee 荔枝 Sphere (Lychee, Rose Wine, Lime) had a very concentrated taste which was slightly overwhelming. It had a thick and velvety texture and had barely any alcohol taste within. The Blood 红酒 Sphere (Mandarin, Shiraz, Lemon) was a beautiful wine red. I personally enjoyed my wine savored, and the Blood Sphere showed that wine can be mixed with various liquids to be made even better.

The Lime 青柠檬 Sphere (Lime, Rum, Osmanthus) was my favourite of all – a refreshing taste swarms your mouth in an instant giving an influx of flavours. Slightly more sour than expected, it complimented the alcohol within making it seem like a non-alcholic dessert.. And the pop was very addictive.

BLACK & GOLD 咸蛋黑炭松饼, $18

With Salted Egg somehow still being the rage and as a personal fan of IRVINS Salted Egg myself, I knew I had to try and see STRAY‘s take on this dish. As Fatcat was an ice cream parlour before opening their restaurant, I had high expectations for this dessert.

The dish looked super appetizing. Black and gold never goes wrong, and the plating was IG perfection. Salted egg topped with delicious sauce trickling down every crevice of the soft serve onto the charcoal waffle was almost like casting a spell on all of us – with us frantically rushing to cut a slice.

The combination promised to be savoury and sweet – but I found it more savoury and to my liking. I can almost sigh while thinking of devouring this once more. At $18, the ice cream really felt like it’s worth the price – this was a dish done well with no cut corners. Real salted egg with ice cream truly made an amazing combination.

“CALAMANSI” 分子料理.桔子爆,

The Calamansi was the most underwhelming dish of all. With an exterior of chocolate and interior of lime, it was simply pure sourness overwhelming the dish.

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AS EASY AS ABC 儿时回忆, ($30) was a great finale to a great meal. Apple Yogurt, Beetroot and Carrot was perfectly re-crafted into a delicious dish which hits the nail on the head for taste, texture and performance. The waitress pours liquid nitrogen of Apple Yogurt, making for an amazing display of snow.


We were all scrambling for a taste of everything – the carrots were disguised as rocks and beetroot was a combination of textures – something like chewy ice cream. It was great tasting and super fun to eat – we didn’t know what flavours were hidden, and where, and had a good time finding everything out. This dish itself is worth taking the trip down to STRAY, and was the highlight of the meal.

With a surprise in every meal and a twist in every corner, STRAY by Fatcat are masters at their craft. It must be a great time being a chef here with literally no limits. This is a great place for dates with the food itself being a topic of conversation. For adventurous foodies, this exactly what you’ve been waiting for.

STRAY by Fatcat
181 Orchard Road, #04-23, Orchard Central, 238896
11:00 am ~ 10:00 pm
6835 7317



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